
Why is this page a thing?

Words are the labels we give to concepts so that we may identify them and communicate about them with others. Words can be quite a battleground when some attempt to disrupt, co-opt, smuggle in, or muddy their definitions. This can be disastrous to truth, rationality, and even life itself.

Definitional warfare can be used to acquire consent fraudulently, to get cooperation from someone in the committal of crimes, and even rewrite laws without ever being in front of a legislature or up for a vote. For example, if alcoholic drinks have been made illegal and you are able to convince enough people that “alcoholic drinks” actually includes anything you ingest which alters ones state of mind, then you have just outlawed coffee through definitional warfare.

This page will contain definitions for words that are commonly used in unclear, obfuscated, or manipulative ways or that are important to the understanding of liberty and the reality in which we find ourselves.

Anarchism / Anarchy

The absence of rulers, governments, and all other non-consensual relationships between individual people.


Synonym of Anarchism, Libertarianism, and Voluntaryism. Due to the rampant misuse of the term Anarchist by filthy communists many people use these other terms so as not to be associated.


Free association and trade between individuals. Freedom in commerce. AKA Free Market, Laissez Faire

Coerce / Coercion / Compel

To exert the determining or guiding influence on a person through threat or force to drive, constrain, or damage them.


Common misspelling of the word “murderer”. ;>


An act of reason resulting in the approval, assent, agreement, or willingness for an act or an infringement of an interest to occur.

Government / The State

A group of people that claim the moral right to initiate the use of force on people within a geographical area.


The process of becoming the owner of some un-owned matter, transforming that scarce rivelrous matter into property, through making first use it. (Some call this the neo-lockian property norm).


A series of arbitrary labels or signals given to concepts for the purpose of communicating about them.

Language is a lossy thought compression algorithm. What's important is not the specific words and symbols used to communicate- but the meaning and concepts in the senders mind.

– Patrick Smith


The absence of coercion.


Objective and consistent rules derived from the consistency of reality.

Non-Aggression Principle AKA "The NAP"

“The Initiation of Force is Always Wrong” A principle that, as an objective standard, if practiced by everyone at all times and all places, would eliminate violence and coercion. The principle includes, references, and requires a valid rational non-contradictory and universalizeable property acquisition reciprocal understanding.


Usage 1: Objective as in exists in and as part of tangible reality. This is what people want morality to be. But alas anvils do not fall on peoples heads when they do bad things. Hume murdered this one.


Usage 2: Objective as in applied to all humans whether or not they want it to be applied to them. I mean, you can choose to behave like your morals apply to everyone but this isnt really objective at all. Just poor language.


Usage 3: Objective as in not including or affected by anything subjective (feelings, desires, opinions, time, location, etc). Things like math, gravity, and the NAP fit this usage.

Ownership / To Own

The right to exclude others from the use of a thing.


Scarce rivelrous matter that is owned.


Rights are mutual reciprocal understandings between, and that should be afforded to, all beings who are or will become apperceptive to both a. advanced conceptualization, and to b. gratification deferral and long term future planning, and should exclude those who do not continue to reciprocate them.


The state in which a person is considered the property of another and in which resources and labor are coerced and extracted from them absent any consensual agreement.


An argument is sound if it is both valid (see below) and if all of its premises are actually true.


That which is logically consistent (conforms to the rules of reason) and is congruent with the evidence (accurate to reality).


A position that conforms to logic and the rules of reason.

Bringing sight to the blind, clarity to the mud, and shining the light of day on the invisible violence of government. Creating Rebellious Philosophy, Risky Freedom, and Dangerous Thinking.

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