This is an episode of Anarchast from before Patrick, Kason, and Disenthrall took ownership of the show. The views, opinions, and facts expressed in this episode have not been reviewed and are not endorsed by us. Always think rationally and for yourself.

Anarchast Ep.360

Jeff interviews returning guest and Anarchapulco speaker, Lyn Ulbricht, who’s son Ross is famously and unjustly incarcerated due to the Silk Road trial travesty. Topics include: the release of the book “American Kingpin”, a distortion and obvious hit piece, things turn political, the media lies and the government is the media, fake news and false allegations make a ‘good’ story, the evil war on drugs, lies and deviousness to leverage the case for personal advantage, the status of the case and appeal, retrial? re-sentencing? the demonization of Tor and Bitcoin, the dark web cannot be stopped, the Free Rossathon hack attempt, some glowing praise for Anarchapulco!

Bringing sight to the blind, clarity to the mud, and shining the light of day on the invisible violence of government. Creating Rebellious Philosophy, Risky Freedom, and Dangerous Thinking.

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