This is an episode of Anarchast from before Patrick, Kason, and Disenthrall took ownership of the show. The views, opinions, and facts expressed in this episode have not been reviewed and are not endorsed by us. Always think rationally and for yourself.

Anarchast Ep.499

Topics include: the medical system, overcoming cancer, a transformational experience, antagonizing the government, living your purpose, vigilante medicine, working with archetypes, fear of dying, healing from trauma, masculine vs feminine, feminism as a corporate product, divide and conquer, The King Hero, making men strong again, gender confusion, psychic warfare, time for men to step up and push back, self improvement, men’s emotional silence, high suicide rates, receiving help, The Map of Lost Purpose book, Anarchapulco 2020

Bringing sight to the blind, clarity to the mud, and shining the light of day on the invisible violence of government. Creating Rebellious Philosophy, Risky Freedom, and Dangerous Thinking.

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