This is an episode of Anarchast from before Patrick, Kason, and Disenthrall took ownership of the show. The views, opinions, and facts expressed in this episode have not been reviewed and are not endorsed by us. Always think rationally and for yourself.

Anarchast Ep.439

There is a lucrative organ transplant industry involving hundreds of hospitals across China. The dark secret it that the Chinese regime is performing 60,000 to 100,000 transplants per year with its main source being prisoners of conscience who are killed on demand.

Jeff Berwick interviews Mitchell Gerber. Topics include: liberating people from government slavery, the attack on individualism in China, repression of religious minorities, organ harvesting, Falun Gong huge in China, massive persecution, labor camps, large scale organ harvesting, genocide and evil, the benefits of Falun Gong, who are buying the harvested organs? complacency and silence from the global community, massive govt. propaganda against Falun Gong in China, parallels with Nazi Germany, how to help with the situation

Bringing sight to the blind, clarity to the mud, and shining the light of day on the invisible violence of government. Creating Rebellious Philosophy, Risky Freedom, and Dangerous Thinking.

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