This is an episode of Anarchast from before Patrick, Kason, and Disenthrall took ownership of the show. The views, opinions, and facts expressed in this episode have not been reviewed and are not endorsed by us. Always think rationally and for yourself.

Anarchast Ep. 318

Jeff interviews Kenny Palurintano from Kenny’s Conscious Kitchen, topics include: veganism, vegetarianism, The Road to Anarchapulco, life on the road, rainbow gathering, intentional festivals, off grid communities, cooking and traveling for a living, plans for Anarchapulco 2017, mindful eating, clean food, listening to your body, bad vegan diets, the ethics of meat eating, mass murder of animals, meat was very hard to get in ancient times, caring for your body, energy transference and intention, eat like you love yourself!

Bringing sight to the blind, clarity to the mud, and shining the light of day on the invisible violence of government. Creating Rebellious Philosophy, Risky Freedom, and Dangerous Thinking.

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